Forecast link: GNFAC Avalanche Forecast for Mon Nov 15, 2021
Forecast link: GNFAC Avalanche Forecast for Mon Nov 15, 2021
From obs. 11/10: "Fitness skinning around Bridger Bowl yesterday and noticed a fairly large, new avalanche on the east face of the North peak of Saddle. Maybe 100 feet below the ridge, about 100 wide at the crown, ran thru the rock bands but not over the cliff. Was taken back by the clean p propagation " -Albert
From e-mail 11/10/21: "an east aspect around 9900'. HS 63cms. ECTV on facets at 19cms." In this snowpit the slab collapsed above the weak layer when the observer isolated the column to perform an extended column test (ECT), hence the score ECTV (ECT-very easily collapsed and propagated). Photo: B. Fredlund
From email 11/10: "Wind effect: significant in most upper elevation exposed locations. Westerly winds were moving a lot of snow off the high peaks all day today." Photo: B. Fredlund
A natural avalanche on Saddle Peak on 11/10/21. Strong winds drifted recent snow into thick slabs near the ridge. This slide was probably one of those wind slabs breaking and/or being triggered by a cornice fall. Photo: P. Hinz