GNFAC Avalanche Forecast for Thu Jan 5, 2012
The Bridger, Madison and southern Gallatin Ranges, the Lionhead area near West Yellowstone and the mountains around Cooke City:
Unstable conditions persist and recent warm weather has not changed the situation. The structure of the snowpack remains the same. A heavy slab of snow rests on a snowpack containing weak, faceted layers that will fracture and produce an avalanche. Evidence of this instability:
This slope collapsed and cracked when skiers approached it. If the slope had been steeper than 30 degrees it would have avalanched. These are clear signs of unstable conditions. Photo: K. Birkeland
GNFAC Avalanche Advisory for Wed Jan 4, 2012
The Bridger, Madison and southern Gallatin Ranges, the Lionhead area near West Yellowstone and the mountains around Cooke City:
Surface hoar is buried under a 14 inch thick slab of snow on Mt Ellis. We could not find it in the burned area where wind destroyed it, but we found it just a few hundred feet lower. It is easier to find if you brush your hand along the pit wall.
Index Peak is in the background of the slope that avalanched. Karl is about 75 feet below the crown. Photo: B. Fredlund