
This slide was remotely triggered Tuesday (2/11) along the route into Sheep Creek just north of Cooke City. Remotely triggered means it was triggered from the flats under these steep slopes and a serious sign of unstable conditions. The snowpack in this are is relatively thin and this avalanche broke near the groud. Photo: GNFAC

Cooke City, 2014-02-11

This slope collapsed with a large "whumph" as we postholed downhill.  It moved  3" but was not steep enough to slide; about 33 degrees steepess.  Approximately 75 feet away a small rollover avalanched with this collapse.  The soft slab broke on a layer of buried surface hoar. Photo: GNFAC

Lionhead Range, 2014-02-10

A layer of near surface facets was found 40 cm's below the surface in the Flanders drainage up Hyalite.Ths layer produced unstable results in some stability tests but not all. It is not a major problem at the moment, but could become more reactive if stressed by a new load. Photo GNFAC

Northern Gallatin, 2014-02-10