
This slide occurred in the Dogleg Chute north of Bridger Bowl. The weak layer (facets near the ground) was impacted in an area where the slab was thinner then propagated into deeper parts of the snowpack. The slide was triggered by a cornice drop, but could easily have been triggered by a skier or boarder. Photo GNFAC 

Bridger Range, 2014-01-16

This slide occurred in the Dogleg Chute north of Bridger Bowl. The slide was triggered by a conrnice drop and produced a crown 2-4 feet deep. There is no doubt a skier or rider could have ealily triggered this slide. Photo GNFAC

Bridger Range, 2014-01-16

This slide occurred at Big Sky Resort on the Wave wall on Wednesday (1/15/14). It was triggered intentionally with a 6 lb explosive placed low in the path on a piece of bamboo. Two pits were dug in the starting zone the day before. Both showed horrible structure in the snowpack. One gave unstable results in stability tests, the other gave stable results in stability tests. Based on the poor structure and layering the BSSP decided to shoot it and got the results they hoped for. Photo: BSSP

Northern Madison, 2014-01-16

This natural avalanche was spotted Tuesday (1/16/14) by Ace Powder Guides just below Lionhead. It broke 1-3 feet deep on a SE aspect near Mile Hill. Not long after seeing this slide, they triggered a bigger one just by riding under a steeper slope. They were ready for it and were not caught. Photo: E. Heaps

Lionhead Range, 2014-01-16